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Зарегистрирован: 18.02.2005 Суждений: 18707
№11427 Добавлено: Пт 10 Фев 06, 20:44 (19 лет тому назад) Электронные книги |
Три книги на английском с http://www.nagarjunainstitute.com/e_books.htm
Min Bahadur Shakya
Iconography of Nepalese Buddhism
Size : 5520 KB
Date of Publication : 1994 AD
No of Pages : 214
Publisher : Handicraft Association of Nepal
Цитата: The purpose of this book is to provide some facts, materials and information on Buddhist Iconography gathered through extensive study of canonical texts about Vajrayana Buddhism prevailing in Nepal and some from Tibet albeit in a humble way.
Lobsang P. Lhalungpa
Life of Milarepa
In HTML Format >>>
Date of Publication : 1997 AD
No of Pages : 220+
Publisher : Book Faith India, Delhi
Цитата: Milarepa is a most beloved among the Tibetan accomplished masters. The book is written in a simple English and covers in two parts I and II all the thrilling episodes from his birth, learning black art to searching for spiritual masters, his rigorous penance and his final nirvana. NIEM has already completed its Nepali translation.
Peter Della Santina
The Tree of Enlightenment
In HTML Format >>>
Date of Publication : 1997 AD
No of Pages : 353+
Publisher : Chico Dharma Study Foundation
Цитата: The book is intended for ordinary readers not having any special expertise in Buddhist studies or in Buddhist canonical languages. The book supplies a general introduction to the major traditions of Buddhism.  |
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test 一心

Зарегистрирован: 18.02.2005 Суждений: 18707
№25900 Добавлено: Ср 06 Дек 06, 21:10 (18 лет тому назад) |
Jamie Hubbard & Paul L. Swanson, eds.
Pruning the Bodhi Tree
Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1997. $45 cloth / $22.95 paper
Цитата: Zen is not Buddhism. Buddha-nature is not Buddhism. Nor is original enlightenment or the non-duality of the Vimalakirti Sutra or the philosophy of the Kyoto school. For Hakamaya Noriaki and Matsumoto Shirō, these and many other elements of the Buddhist tradition have diluted the critical discrimination of the truth that is the heart of Buddhist realization and social justice. Цитата: "I am convinced that these essays on the critique of hongaku shisō will have a revolutionary impact on contemporary thought in general and Buddhist studies in particular.."
— Kamata Shigeo, University of Tokyo Цитата: "The appearance of this volume will introduce Western readers to issues important not only in Japan, but wherever Buddhism is taught and practiced."
— John P. Keenan, Middlebury College
Jamie HUBBARD holds the Yehan Numata Chair in Buddhist Studies at Smith College.
Paul L. SWANSON is Director of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture.
Вся книга онлайн, начиная с оглавления.pdf Там дальше надо кликать на главы прямо в этом пдфе.
Оглавление: PART ONE
The What and Why of Critical Buddhism
Paul L. SWANSON Why They Say Zen Is Not Buddhism: Recent Japanese Critiques of Buddha-Nature . . . 3
Dan LUSTHAUS Critical Buddhism and Returning to the Sources . . . . 30
HAKAMAYA Noriaki Critical Philosophy versus Topical Philosophy . . . 56
Jamie HUBBARD Topophobia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
HAKAMAYA Noriaki Scholarship as Criticism . . . 113
Paul J. GRIFFITHS The Limits of Criticism . . . . . 145
MATSUMOTO Shirõ Comments on Critical Buddhism . . . 161
In Search of True Buddhism
MATSUMOTO Shirõ The Doctrine of Tathagata-garbha Is Not Buddhist . . . 165
Sallie B. KING The Doctrine of Buddha-Nature Is Impeccably Buddhist . . . 174
YAMABE Nobuyoshi The Idea of Dhatu-vada in Yogacara and Tathagata-garbha Texts . . . 193
MATSUMOTO Shirõ & YAMABE Nobuyoshi A Critical Exchange on the Idea of Dhatu-vada . . . 205
YAMAGUCHI Zuihõ The Core Elements of Indian Buddhism Introduced into Tibet: A Contrast with Japanese Buddhism . . 220
MATSUMOTO Shirõ The Meaning of “Zen” . . . 242
Steven HEINE Critical Buddhism and Dõgen’s Shõbõgenzõ: The Debate over the 75-Fascicle and 12-Fascicle Texts . . . 251
Peter N. GREGORY Is Critical Buddhism Really Critical? . . . 286
LIN Chen-kuo Metaphysics, Suffering, and Liberation: The Debate between Two Buddhisms . . . 298
TAKASAKI Jikidõ Thoughts on Dhatu-vada and Recent Trends in Buddhist Studies . . . 314
SUEKI Fumihiko A Reexamination of Critical Buddhism . . . 321
Social Criticism
HAKAMAYA Noriaki Thoughts on the Ideological Background of Social Discrimination . . . 339
MATSUMOTO Shirõ Buddhism and the Kami: Against Japanism . . . . 356
Ruben L. F. HABITO Tendai Hongaku Doctrine and Japan’s Ethnocentric Turn . . . 374
MATSUMOTO Shirõ The Lotus Sutra and Japanese Culture . . . 388
Jamie Hubbard
Absolute Delusion, Perfect Buddhahood
Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2001. xvii+333 pages. $45 cloth / $22.95 paper
Цитата: In spite of the common view of Buddhism as non-dogmatic and tolerant, the historical record preserves many examples of Buddhist thinkers and movements that were banned as heretical or subversive. The San-chieh (Three Levels) was a popular and influential Chinese Buddhist movement during the Sui and T'ang periods. Absolute Delusion, Perfect Buddhahood uses manuscripts discovered at Tun-huang to examine the doctrine and institutional practices of this movement in the larger context of Mahayana doctrine and practice. By viewing San-chieh in the context of Mahayana Buddhism, Hubbard reveals it to be far from heretical and thereby raises important questions about orthodoxy and canon in Buddhism. He shows that many of the hallmark ideas and practices of Chinese Buddhism find an early and unique expression in the San-chieh texts.
Вся книга доступна http://www.nanzan-u.ac.jp/SHUBUNKEN/publications/publications.htm
Update (20111105):
Новая ссылка на книгу http://nirc.nanzan-u.ac.jp/publications/nlarc/pdf/Pruning%20the%20bodhi%20tree/ |
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