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Зарегистрирован: 16.04.2012 Суждений: 2316
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Зарегистрирован: 27.08.2010 Суждений: 651 Откуда: Екатеринбург
№234810 Добавлено: Сб 07 Мар 15, 06:33 (10 лет тому назад) |
Спасибо!!  |
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Зарегистрирован: 16.04.2012 Суждений: 2316
№234812 Добавлено: Сб 07 Мар 15, 08:08 (10 лет тому назад) |
Позвольте присоединиться к Вашей благодарности бхиккху Аналайо!)))
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Зарегистрирован: 16.04.2012 Суждений: 2316
№234813 Добавлено: Сб 07 Мар 15, 08:17 (10 лет тому назад) |
Немного о самом бхиккху:
Bhikkhu Anālayo is a Buddhist monk (bhikkhu), scholar and meditation teacher. He was born in Germany in 1962, and ‘went forth’ in 1995 in Sri Lanka. He is best known for his comparative studies of early Buddhist texts as preserved by the various early Buddhist traditions.[1]
Bhikkhu Anālayo temporarily ordained in 1990 in Thailand, after a meditation retreat at Wat Suan Mokkh, the monastery established by Ajahn Buddhadasa. After two years as a monk, he left the robes and went back to Germany. In 1994 he went to Sri Lanka, where in 1995 he took Pabbajja again under Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Thero. He received his Upasampada in 2007 in the Sri Lankan Shwegyin Nikaya (belonging to the main Amarapura Nikaya), with Ven. Pemasiri Thera of Sumathipala Aranya as his ordination Acariya. Bhikkhu Bodhi has been Bhikkhu Anālayo's main teacher.[2]
Bhikkhu Anālayo completed a Ph.D. thesis on the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta at the University of Peradeniya in 2000, which was later published as Satipaṭṭhāna, the Direct Path to Realization.[3] During the course of that study, he had come to notice the interesting differences between the Pali and the Chinese versions of this early Buddhist discourse. This led to his undertaking a habilitation research at the University of Marburg, completed in 2007, in which he compared the Majjhima Nikāya discourses with their Chinese, Sanskrit, and Tibetan counterparts.[4] In 2014 Anālayo then published Perspectives on Satipaṭṭhāna,[5] where he builds on his earlier work by comparing the parallel versions of the Satipaṭṭhāna-sutta and exploring the meditative perspective that emerges when emphasis is given to those instructions that are common ground among the extant canonical versions and thus can reasonably well be expected to be early.
Bhikkhu Anālayo has published extensively on early Buddhism.[6] The textual study of early Buddhist discourses in comparative perspective is the basis of his ongoing interests and academic research.[7] At present he is the chief editor and one of the translators of the first English translation of the Chinese Madhyama-āgama (Taishō 26),[8] and has undertaken an integral English translation of the Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama (Taishō 99), parallel to the Pali Saṃyutta-nikāya collection.[9]
etc => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhikkhu_Analayo <=
Др., не менее интересные работы:
Publications by Bhikkhu Anālayo
http://www.buddhismuskunde.uni-hamburg.de/fileadmin/pdf/analayo/publications.htm |
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Зарегистрирован: 16.04.2012 Суждений: 2316
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Зарегистрирован: 16.04.2012 Суждений: 2316
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Горсть листьев Фикус, Историк

Зарегистрирован: 10.09.2010 Суждений: 30873
№244436 Добавлено: Пн 01 Июн 15, 10:01 (10 лет тому назад) |
Благодарю. Happy vesak day! |
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Зарегистрирован: 17.02.2005 Суждений: 49795
№244476 Добавлено: Пн 01 Июн 15, 12:38 (10 лет тому назад) Re: Детальное сличение палийской и китайской версий Мадджхима Никаи от бхиккху Аналайо |
Файлы больше недостпуны. Кто сохранил, выложите пожалуйста тут. _________________ Буддизм чистой воды |
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Зарегистрирован: 16.04.2012 Суждений: 2316
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Зарегистрирован: 01.01.2010 Суждений: 9322
№244992 Добавлено: Сб 06 Июн 15, 15:48 (10 лет тому назад) Re: Детальное сличение палийской и китайской версий Мадджхима Никаи от бхиккху Аналайо |
Да, с привлечением. Закопайтесь еще на метр, ближе к центру ядра земли и дальше от буддизма. |
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Тред сейчас никто не читает.