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test 一心

Зарегистрирован: 18.02.2005 Суждений: 18707
№8010 Добавлено: Пн 28 Ноя 05, 17:02 (19 лет тому назад) Санскрит |
Если кто интересуется санскритом то вот я в сети ed2k нашел такой файл:
7191733 Sanskrit_Devanagari_66PDFs.rar
А внутри такое:
Код: | 70912 Sep 18 2004 'Devanagari Flashcards (13 pgs).pdf'
155283 Sep 18 2004 'Devanagari Orthography (60 pgs).pdf'
49073 Sep 18 2004 'Devanagari Practice (11 pgs).pdf'
171554 Oct 2 2004 'Fluidity of Early Grammatical Categories in Sanskrit (5 pgs).pdf'
1667935 Sep 18 2004 'Pali Buddhist Dictionary (402 pgs).pdf'
513053 Sep 22 2004 'Pali Language.A Practical Grammar of the (182 pgs).pdf'
132603 Sep 15 2004 'Sanskrit - Alphabet (2 pgs).pdf'
2602842 Oct 31 2003 'Sanskrit - A Practical Introductory (Wikner'\''s 156 pgs).pdf'
72968 Sep 18 2004 'Sanskrit - BasicFlashCards (10 pgs).pdf'
580886 Oct 1 2004 'Sanskrit - Bhagavad Gita (Large Print 117 pgs).pdf'
36074 Sep 18 2004 'Sanskrit - Chart (1 pg).pdf'
904763 Sep 15 2004 'Sanskrit - Dictionary (221 pgs).pdf'
450552 Sep 15 2004 'Sanskrit - English Translation & Glossary - The Yoga-Sutra of Patanjali (86 pgs).pdf'
946157 Sep 18 2004 'Sanskrit - FlashCards (320 pgs).pdf'
60245 Sep 15 2004 'Sanskrit - Grammer (2 pgs).pdf'
32519 Sep 24 2004 'Sanskrit - Heart Sutra (3 pgs).pdf'
158173 Sep 17 2004 'Sanskrit - Lesson 2 (6 pgs).pdf'
123737 Jan 14 2003 'Sanskrit - Lesson 3 (4 pgs).pdf'
148634 Sep 17 2004 'Sanskrit - Lesson 4 (4 pgs).pdf'
131506 Sep 18 2004 'Sanskrit - Noun and Pronouns 9 pgs).pdf'
95307 Sep 18 2004 'Sanskrit - Numbers (12 pgs).pdf'
265167 Sep 29 2004 'Sanskrit - One Thousand Sentences for Conversation (32 pgs).pdf'
197948 Sep 17 2004 'Sanskrit - Verb Conjugation Tables (58 pgs).pdf'
45044 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise10.pdf
42471 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise11.pdf
42301 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise12.pdf
40689 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise13.pdf
52504 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise14.pdf
53318 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise15.pdf
53891 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise16.pdf
46333 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise17.pdf
52691 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise19.pdf
57233 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise1.pdf
56061 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise20.pdf
53898 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise21.pdf
55797 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise22.pdf
51404 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise23.pdf
60640 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise24.pdf
47716 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise25.pdf
50895 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise26.pdf
45230 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise27.pdf
56598 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise28.pdf
58517 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise29.pdf
56725 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise2.pdf
48714 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise36.pdf
50085 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise37.pdf
49472 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise38.pdf
47816 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise39.pdf
51376 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise3.pdf
44356 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise40.pdf
42672 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise41.pdf
53335 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise42.pdf
59097 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise43.pdf
56929 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise44.pdf
52755 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise45.pdf
55984 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise46.pdf
50438 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise47.pdf
52253 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise48.pdf
49886 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise49.pdf
47017 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise4.pdf
51787 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise50.pdf
51933 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise5.pdf
52248 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise6.pdf
40882 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise7.pdf
42741 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise8.pdf
43761 Sep 18 2004 sb-exercise9.pdf |
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Зарегистрирован: 28.03.2005 Суждений: 1786 Откуда: Петербург
№8308 Добавлено: Вт 06 Дек 05, 20:53 (19 лет тому назад) |
Гм. У меня полтора гига материалов по санскриту, и никому нафиг не нужно. Кроме разве что меня, конечно  |
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test 一心

Зарегистрирован: 18.02.2005 Суждений: 18707
№11075 Добавлено: Вс 05 Фев 06, 17:59 (19 лет тому назад) |
Вот ещё есть немного текстов на санскрите на сайте indica-et-buddhica.org
Nāgārjuna: Sanskrit texts
- The text of the Ratnāvalī is based upon the edition of TUCCI. TUCCI's edition is reprinted in VAIDYA and CHATTERJEE, supplemented in DIETZ, and superceded in HAHN.
- The texts of the Lokātītastava, Acintyastava, Bodhicittavivaraṇa, Yuktiṣaṣtikākārikā-s, and Vigrahavyāvartanī are based upon the edition(s) of LINDTNER
Цитата: atna_utf8.tar.gz 11.54 KB
ratna_01_utf8.txt 11.47 KB
ratna_02_utf8.txt 7.39 KB
ratna_04_utf8.txt 14.68 KB
loka_utf8.txt 4.93 KB
acintya_utf8.txt 8.92 KB
bodhicitta_utf8.txt 2.75 KB
yukti_utf8.txt 2.99 KB
vigraha_utf8.txt 11.25 KB Mūlamadhyamakakārikā-s of Nāgārjuna : Sanskrit text
- These files stem from text extracted from a PDF file produced by D. BACHMAN. BACHMAN's text - based on SAIGUSA's edition - has been revised to bring it into agreement with de JONG's edition
Цитата: mmk_utf8.tar.gz 18.71 KB Śikṣāsamuccaya of Śāntideva: Sanskrit text
- These files are based on BENDALL's edition. They are derived from an e-text obtained from Prof. Dr Jens BRAARVIG (Oslo).
Цитата: zs_utf8.tar.gz 187.52 KB Bodhicaryāvatāra of Śāntideva: Sanskrit text
- This text is primarily based on the edition of BHATTACHARYA. The readings of BHATTACHARYA should be compared with those in the editions of MINAYEFF and de LA VALLÉE POUSSIN, and to a lesser extent with those of VAIDYA.
Цитата: bca_utf8.tar.gz 42.37 KB
bca_all.ps.gz 348.75 KB
bca_all.pdf 277.31 KB |
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test 一心

Зарегистрирован: 18.02.2005 Суждений: 18707
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Зарегистрирован: 01.02.2006 Суждений: 293 Откуда: The Earth Planet
№28821 Добавлено: Ср 31 Янв 07, 20:03 (18 лет тому назад) |
Санскрит я изучал лишь на первом курсе, но часто приходиться работать с терминологией. Словари могут пригодиться... - в бумажном издании словарей мало, однако в них есть практически все, что нужно... |
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Зарегистрирован: 17.02.2005 Суждений: 49776
№29009 Добавлено: Вс 04 Фев 07, 17:03 (18 лет тому назад) |
Тут на Hindu Wiki много интересного по санскриту и особенно деванагири. _________________ Буддизм чистой воды |
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test 一心

Зарегистрирован: 18.02.2005 Суждений: 18707
№29111 Добавлено: Вт 06 Фев 07, 19:31 (18 лет тому назад) |
Лекции по санкриту на youtube.
Цитата: Classes in Sanskrit grammar conducted at Aksharam, Bangalore, by Sri Mahabaleshwar Bhat.
Vidwan Mahabaleshwara Bhat was a 'Vyakarana' professor in the Chamarajendra Samskrita-Mahaapaattashaalaa.
An authority on Sanskrit , he has been honoured by various institutions.
He is at ease in teaching the relatively difficult Sanskrit text like Mahabhashyam and the very basic grammar text- Laghu Siddhanta Kaumudi .
Since July 29,2006, Sri Mahabaleshwara Bhat has been teaching the text -LaghuSiddhanta Kaumudi on all week-ends at 'Aksharam',Samskrita Bharati,Girinagar,Bangalore-560 085.
Though the intention of Sri Mahabaleshwara Bhat is to teach the text in Sanskrit only, due to some students' questions, he is forced to explain in Kannada language also. Hence 99% of the teaching is in Sanskrit with few Kannada sentences in between. |
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test 一心

Зарегистрирован: 18.02.2005 Суждений: 18707
№29160 Добавлено: Ср 07 Фев 07, 16:50 (18 лет тому назад) |
This is a Web Sanskrit Dictionary based on "The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary" of Vaman Shivaram Apte.
Поиск: http://www3.aa.tufs.ac.jp/~tjun/sktdic/
Правда какая-то немного усечённая версия.
Цитата: And it contains only the first word (or phrase in some case) of each numbered meaning. |
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