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test 一心

Зарегистрирован: 18.02.2005 Суждений: 18709
№139264 Добавлено: Вс 27 Янв 13, 23:19 (12 лет тому назад) Related according to the feelings. |
В Адбхидхармасамуччае Асанга пишет:
Цитата: (8) What are their realms (dhātu)?
Except for aversion (pratigha), all the other defilements are bound to the three realms. As for aversion, it is bound only to the realm of the sense pleasures (kāmadhātu). Furthermore, lust (rāga) is associated with pleasure (sukha), happiness (prīti)160 and equanimity (upekṣā) in the realm of the sense pleasures. As it is in the realm of the sense pleasures, so it is in the first and second concentrations (dhyāna). In the third concentration, it is associated with happiness and equanimity. Above that, it is associated only with equanimity.161 Aversion is associated with suffering (duḥkha), grief and equanimity. Pride (māna) is associated with joy and equanimity in the realm of the sense pleasures. In the first and second concetrations, it is associated with happiness, bliss and equanimity; in the third concetration, with happiness and equanimity; above, it is associated with equanimity only. As with pride, so with the concept of self (satkāyadṛṣṭi), the idea of grasping the extremes (antagrāhadṛṣṭi) and attachment to observances and rituals (śīlavrataparāmarśa). Wrong view (mithyadṛṣṭi) is associated with gried, joy and equanimity in the realm of the sense pleasures. In the form realm and the formless realm, it is related with the feelings. Doubt (vichikitsa) is associated with sadness and equanimity in the realm of the sense pleasures, and is related according to the feelings in the form realm and the formless realm. Ignorance (avidyā) is twofold, related and pure. Since it is associated with all the defilements, associated ignorance is related according to the feelings. Pure ignorance is associated with grief and equanimity in the realm of the sense pleasures. In the higher realms, it is related according to the feelings. Why are all the defilements associated with equanimity? Because all the defilements are in decline as a result of their apathy. Moreover, lust (rāga) in the realm of the sense pleasures belongs to the group of six consciousnesses.162 As with lust, so also with aversion and ignorance. Lust in the form realm belongs to four groups of consciousnesses,163 and in the formless realm it belongs to the group of the mental consciousness. As with lust, so with ignorance. Pride, wrong view and doubt are everywhere linked to the group of mental consciousness. Moreover, lust, aversion and pride in the realm of the sense pleasures are active only with certain objects. Just as in the realm of the sense pleasures, so also in the form realm and the formless realm the other defilements are active everywhere with all objects.
Что тут значит, что эти клеши "related according to the feelings"? |
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Зарегистрирован: 05.04.2005 Суждений: 13823
№139265 Добавлено: Пн 28 Янв 13, 00:02 (12 лет тому назад) |
У тхеравадинов есть таблицы соотношения разных сознаний с 3 или 5 веданами и есть таблица соотношения сознаний с четасиками (возможные/однозначные).
Может быть тут у Асанги что-то вроде перекрестного анализа, потому что упомянуты и миры бесформенных сосредоточений, где ни каких из 5 чувственных способностей нету, но ведана есть. Импульсы сознания из низшего мира могут проскакивать и в рупа-арупа (кроме агрессии) локах, как и сознания высших лок могут проскакивать в кама-локе, не в роли результата-випаки, а как импульс-джавана. |
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Зарегистрирован: 15.09.2014 Суждений: 1
№215848 Добавлено: Пн 15 Сен 14, 15:51 (11 лет тому назад) |
There are seven latent tendencies (anusaya): latent tendencies of [i] craving for sense-pleasures (kamaraga), lii] repugnance (pratigha), [iiil craving for existence and becoming (bhavaraga), [iv] pride (mana), [v] ignorance (avidya), [vi] views (drsti), and [vii] scepticism (vicikitsa).40 |
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Зарегистрирован: 05.04.2005 Суждений: 13823
№231181 Добавлено: Вт 27 Янв 15, 16:15 (10 лет тому назад) |
А может тут имеются ввиду те веданы, которые указаны ранее. Цитата: In the first and second concetrations, it is associated with happiness, bliss and equanimity; in the third concetration, with happiness and equanimity; above, it is associated with equanimity only. Что wrong view может в ассоциации с ними быть. Просто и понятно... Все таки читты из других лок носят ситуативный характер. Пропущено ради сокращения "related according to the feelings in the form realm and the formless realm" |
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Горсть листьев Фикус, Историк

Зарегистрирован: 10.09.2010 Суждений: 30865
№231182 Добавлено: Вт 27 Янв 15, 16:31 (10 лет тому назад) |
according там означает вводное "соответственно".Сомнения и заблуждения связаны с чувствами, соответственно (как и неправильный взгляды, о которых сказано выше). |
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Зарегистрирован: 05.04.2005 Суждений: 13823
№231184 Добавлено: Вт 27 Янв 15, 16:36 (10 лет тому назад) |
В общем связаны, но некоторые читты-четасики не могут с определенной веданой возникнуть. Лобха с дукхой, например. |
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