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Зарегистрирован: 18.02.2005 Суждений: 18707
№35470 Добавлено: Пт 15 Июн 07, 05:14 (18 лет тому назад) Santideva's Siksha-Samuccaya |
Śikshā Samuccaya
A Compendium of Buddhist Doctrine
Compiled by Śāntideva chiefly form earlier Mahayana sutras
Translated from the Sanskrit by Cecil Bendall, M.A., late professor of Sanskrit in the University of Cambridge, and W. H. D. Rouse, M.A., Litt.D., university teacher if Sanskrit, and headmaster of the Perse School. London, 1922. (Keywords: Shantideva Shiksha-samuccaya, Santideva Siksa-samuccaya, Śantideva Śikṣā Samuccaya, Santidevaviracitah Siksasamuccayah, शिक्षासमुच्चय, 大乘集菩薩學論 Dasheng ji pusa xuelun, Bslab pa kun-las-buts pa, Compendium of Teachings, A Compendium of Tranings, Шикша-самуччая Шантидевы)
Synopsis: A compendium of works by Shantideva on the six perfections and the bodhisattva path. Shantideva was the renowned Indian master responsible for the classic Bodhicharyavatara, or Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life. The Siksa Samuccaya is a Mahayana treatise on Buddhist doctrine, and this edition was edited by Dr.Bendall from a single Nepalese manuscript in 1922 for the Russian Bibliotheca Buddhica.
The book is a compendium of Buddhist doctrine preserved in the schools of the great Vehicle - Mahayana. It presents as its subject matter the code of righteous conduct for the enlightenment of the aspirant. The translation is authentic and authoritative. The book is interesting and instructive. There is also an alphabetical index of quoted works and a general index.
The subject matter deals with the code of righteous conduct for the aspiring bodhisattva. It embodies instructions for the accumulation of the six perfections - liberality, morality, patience, strength, meditation, and wisdom; and emphasizes the avoidance of evil and self-purification. Переиздана в 1981, 1990 и 2000 Motilal Banarsidass. Это скан оригинального издания 1922 года от DLI.
Siksha-Samuccaya,Santideva,Bendall,1922.djvu (9.8M, 340pp)
Санскритский текст (латиницей и деванагари):
Vaidya, P.L ed. Śikṣāsamuccayaḥ. Darbhanga: Mithila Institute, 1999 reprint, 1-196.
Śikṣāsamuccayaḥ: http://www.uwest.edu/sanskritcanon/Sastra/Roman/sastra74/Sa-74R-1.html
शिक्षासमुच्चय: http://www.uwest.edu/sanskritcanon/Sastra/Devanagari/sastra74/Sa-74D-1.html
Vaidya, P.L., ed. Siksa Samuccaya. Darbhanga : The Mithila Institute, 1960, 1-2.
Śikṣāsamuccaya kārikā: http://www.uwest.edu/sanskritcanon/Sastra/Roman/sastra14.html
शिक्षासमुच्चय कारिका: http://www.uwest.edu/sanskritcanon/Sastra/Devanagari/sastra14.html
Тибетский текст (скан из Derge Tenjur):
Названия текста: bslab pa kun las btus pa'i tshig le'u byas pa, bslab pa kun las btus pa, siksasamuccaya
Авторы и переводчики: a. zhi ba lha (santideva); t. jinamitra; danasila; ye shes sde; r. tilakakalasa (k); blo ldan shes rab
bslab_pa_kun_las_btus_pa,Derge_Tenjur,v111.pdf (21M, 384pp.) |
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